
We’re moving again, or at least most likely. I want to have a kid within the next three years but in order for that to happen we would need a third bedroom. The apartment complex were in is all brand new but if I waited until we have the kid to switch apartments the units … Continue reading 4/6


Sometimes having cats is so beyond infuriating. It doesn't matter how clean I make things, as long as the cats have access to it, its going to get dirty. My cat just walked all over me and it wasn't until he was walking away that I noticed he had shit all over his butt. He … Continue reading 3/14


It sucks that things are always changing. I spent months carefully examining my feet for several minutes with a flashlight before getting into bed and then one day I just didn't. It seems like a good thing but what it means is I found something else. There always has to be something to obsess over … Continue reading 2/22


I started my masters a little over two weeks ago so it's been taking up the majority of my emotional time. It is true that distractions do make ocd a little bit better but sometimes if i've been sitting at my desk long enough my mind wanders back to the thoughts. One big issue i've … Continue reading 2/19


I slept all day today for two reasons. Yesterday Cleo walked all over my desk with wet paws so I immediately left and laid down and then this morning I felt something on my leg with my arm but I never saw it so I got stressed and just kept the blanket over me all … Continue reading 2/6


My desk is white and in reality I should never have white furniture because it’s just so horrible for my ocd. Every time I sit down I examine the desk for any spec or residue or color variation. I was just working on my school stuff and I noticed there was a weird residue near … Continue reading 2/2


Whenever I wash my hands in the bathroom I have to wash my arms first and then my hands for various reasons but that’s just how I do it. If I feel like I’m too lazy to do that I’ll wash them in the kitchen because the sink is larger so I feel more comfortable … Continue reading 1/16


I was in the middle of taking an exam when I decided to open this new lotion I bought and that turned everything to shit. It’s a screw off tub and when I took of the lid I noticed it was filled with dust and crap under where the lid was. I panicked and yelled … Continue reading 1/10


I just saw a video of this guy explaining all the things he has to do/avoid because of his moms ocd. I read the comments and basically the gist of it was to never speak to the mother, that she should be alone, that she should just kill herself because she’s hurting her son. Just … Continue reading 1/8


I got my nose pierced yesterday and then went over to my moms to eat. One of the first things she said to me was “oh but it’s so good that you did something, at least you got something done” or something along those lines. For the last three years that’s what everyone says to … Continue reading 12/31